Yoga + Art for Health

Beginners in yoga and art are WELCOME.

Inclusive. Calming. Supportive. Playful. FUN!

Take a deep breath, move your body, then let YOUR art guide you!

Allow us to lead you through a process, get into a flow and express your own creativity without self-judgment or concern about the end result. Learn more about yourself, and gain a new perspective.

Pause to breathe

Take a moment to pause, breathe, and move your body. Give yourself the space to reconnect to the most important person.. you.

Create your art

With a simple directive and lots of fun materials, start to play with colors, paper, shapes, and let yourself create without any judgment or worry about the final creation.

Share your experience

Everyone creates something very different. So many unique expressions Together in a safe and respectful space, we share what feel, see and ask questions with curiosity.


  • art + yoga for menopause

    Yoga + Art for Menopause Health & Wellbeing

    • What’s happening during the menopause

    • Yoga + Art activities

    • TRUE nourishment & self-care practices

    • Create community

  • emotional eating

    Yoga + Art for Emotional Eating

    • The roots of emotional eating.

    • Yoga + Art activities

    • TRUE nourishment and the importance of self-care.

    • How to learn from your own cravings.

  • "The truth is, I had no previous experience of anything similar, but the way you made us feel, so relaxed, welcome and with this subtle but very clear and constructive guidance( which in my opinion was the core and reason for the success), my hope and expectation, to do something for myself which would be merely enjoyable turned out to become a meaningful and surprisingly insightful break from reality."

  • "The yoga at the beginning was wonderful. It really helped to bring me into my body, into the present moment. This prepared me to more fully participate in the art experience."

  • "We had a great group of people. Each were kind and compassionate. I feel the shared yoga experience helped us to draw closer by bringing us into our bodies together. The sharing was awesome because there was so much trust and safety in the room. I learned so much from the others’ comments and perspectives because of this."

  • "There are so many things I appreciate from that day. With your guidance I felt so close to my real self, words such “there is no wrong and right” or I am the boss of myself made me feel relief and somehow free to explore. The environment/room has such a nice energy and your were so calm that helped me felt safe to express my feelings."

  • "... the combination of yoga and art is so powerful, only I would love one more extra hour with you and all other people in the group."

  • "My husband's feedback of this week, “what happened and you are so nice and calm the last days? “ I said because I joined the Yoga + Art on Saturday and it seems helped a lot recharging my battery. He said, you should do it often… I think by doing something for my self definitely affect other around me."

Meet your Guides

Penelope Orfanoudaki
Founder Artful Retreats

Vanessa Gatelein
Yoga & Health Coach

What do we do at a Yoga + Art event?

We come together. We stretch & breathe. We have play and have fun.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why yoga and art together?

Both yoga and art have the ability to positively influence:

  • Our Biology: the brain, nervous system, and physical body

  • Our Psychology: the way we feel and express our emotions

Why do group yoga and art sessions?

When done in groups, yoga and art can strengthen that feeling we are in it together, create empathy, and help to overcome loneliness

How can I use yoga to support my health?

  • Yoga can be used as a tool for self-study.

  • Practicing regularly helps us to calm the mind, reconnect with the present moment and start to recognize our own patterns.

  • Our patterns, what we do every day is what either moves us forward or holds us back.

  • Yoga relieves stress, tension, and helps to learn what our body needs more of.

How can I use art to support my health?

  • Art can be used as a tool of self-exploration and self-expression.

  • It helps us to practice expressing ourselves without judgement.

  • Art creation helps us to get in touch with our emotions and start to process them.

  • As we explore our emotions, you will also start to get relief from the stress that emotions can bring.

What is unique about practicing yoga and art together?

The fusion of yoga and art together brings a sense of calm, along with playfulness, and the ability to learn more about yourself in a different way.

  • Yoga and art gives the you the chance to pause and ask, “how am I feeling right now?”

  • You create space for yourself to process and digest feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

  • As you move your body and breathe and then create your art, you start to create a feeling of liberation and freedom with in the body and mind.

  • Yoga and art creation builds confidence each time you produce your own creative expression.

  • As soon as you step on the mat, breathe and play with art materials, you start to relieve stress.

What can I expect at a yoga + art for health workshop or retreat?

  1. Arrive, meet and greet while settling into the space.

  2. Reminder: Everyone is welcome, including beginners in yoga and art. Let go of judgment. Add in lots of kindness and respect to ourselves and others.

  3. Calm, stretch, and relax with gentle yoga movements and the breath.

  4. Explore the art materials: paints, paper, glue, pastels, and scissors.

  5. Receive the art directive :-) and start your creation

  6. Nourishment break! Coffee, tea, water and snacks.

  7. Sharing time in a “campfire” circle.

    • What was the experience for you in creating your artwork?

    • What materials did you enjoy using?

    • What thoughts came up during the process of creation?

  8. Thankful appreciation and closing the session.

What does the WHO, The World Health Organization say about art and health?

The WHO says, "Art can help us navigate emotionally through the journey of battling an illness or injury, processing difficult emotions in times of emergencies and challenging events. Creating and enjoying the arts helps promote holistic wellness and can be a motivation for recovery."

What does the WHO say about yoga and health?

“Yoga can help a person lose weight, relieve stress, improve immunity and build and maintain physical fitness and mental and emotional well-being. It can be practiced anywhere, at any time, and requires no financial investment.” Read more about how yoga can improve health in this article from the WHO.

Explore your inner landscape.

Radio X Interview

Hear more about my story and how yoga + art can make a difference in your life.