Success Stories

What my clients say…

These are their stories of how they got out of the daily grind and chose what works best for their body.

 “I think I'm falling in love with food   - good and healthy food. I've replaced my chocolate bar afternoon sugar boost with goji berries, nuts or a fruit. I'm hardly drinking any fizzy drinks anymore. I'm reducing the amount of gum I'm chewing from several pieces a week to maybe three a week. I've kicked the habit of drinking coffee for the sake of drinking coffee and am drinking maybe three or four cups a week now instead of eight or nine.”

– Managing Director, Language school

“I have lost over 50 pounds since we’ve started working together last year. I don’t even remember what I was eating before. It’s a kind of food amnesia. I guess that’s okay!”

– Human Resource Manager at Roche 

“I’m more aware of my time and how I am spending it. My job takes too much of my time that it affects every thing else. So I am gradually making changes as we agreed. I started a one-hour Yoga every week. Last week was my first session and it felt GREAT! I am making sure I have my breakfast, which has made a difference to my mood and energy level throughout the day.”

– International School Teacher

“Monday I was in a really bad mood-I had hurt my back and was feeling really sorry for myself.  I worked from home and decided to rest.  After breakfast I was still "hungry".  It was clearly emotional hunger but I listened.  What did I really want?  While I ended up eating the equivalent of a day's calories before noon, I sat with the feeling and the emotions.  I went back to our first discussions about eating what I wanted and allowing myself to enjoy what I wanted.  It worked. I realized that I was anxious because of my back and worried that i would get into trouble at work for not being in the office.  I worked all day from home, came clean to my boss about the back and actually wasn't hungry the rest of the day.  At all. I have come to see that day as a real learning experience!  I could eat what I desired AND not let it ruin my day.  I also could contemplate what the issue could really be and explore how to make it better without food. Thank you!”

– Vice President, Large Insurance Company

“Thank you Vanessa! I have really enjoyed learning from you and incorporating some of your tips.  Your health coaching has already improved my quality of life --- I am down 5 pounds, and most importantly I am FEELING better the less I eat sugar and high glycemic foods.  I am looking forward to another session with you early in the new year.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox to a wonderful woman I feel fortunate to know!!”

– Stay at home Mom

 “I've now moved to Singapore, where I'm going full-time with my illustrations business and your inspiration was just the kick I needed! I've been struggling lately with the urge to get everything perfect and shipshape before shouting out for customers, but I am now learning just to get on with it - having real commissions to deliver really is the best way to get stuff done and steepen that learning curve! Thanks!”

– Independent Artist