“Always find time to do the things that make you happy to be alive.”

Selfie on a Wednesday morning with vision boards.

Selfie on a Wednesday morning with vision boards.

I’m Vanessa, so nice to meet you!

I am a real person, living a real life.

When you look on social media and see all the perfect bodies and seemingly perfect meals being eaten… it can’t be all true. Life is incredibly FULL and with constant distractions, it is difficult to focus.

I am a mom, a wife, a daughter and an entrepreneur. I am no spring chicken AND I am giving it my best shot to stay feeling well in my body and active with my family and friends.

My Story

I have a thyroid condition that makes it difficult for me to manage my energy, my digestion and my weight. I just wanted to feel normal again so I went to nutrition school to learn how my body works.

To be honest my quest into coaching and yoga was absolutely selfish.

I just wanted to know what works for me.

I have a thyroid condition, which makes it difficult to live a normal life. My energy is comparable to a slug. When I am not taking care of myself, I feel bloated, heavy, my joints ache, I am grumpy and find it incredibly difficult to get out of bed. The world seems impossible and overwhelming when you feel this way.

During a crisis, I quit my marketing position and I went back to school in desperation to learn how food and lifestyle could support me to feel like a normal human being.

Imagine… I just wanted to get to a normal level of energy.

Over one year’s time, I changed my lifestyle.

  • I ate oat porridge with apples instead of bagels.

  • I added in cooked leafy greens every day.

  • I let go of foods that didn’t work for me. (Bye bye dairy and gluten!)

  • I started cooking more whole foods and learning how to enjoy being in the kitchen.

  • I did the sauna a lot… and CRIED.

  • I took epsom salt baths to reduce stress and detox.

  • I started to move more, increasing my fitness as my body became stronger and more resilient.

My results?

  • I started to sleep better.

  • It was easier to get out of bed.

  • My digestion improved.

  • And the best result… is that I got pregnant at aged 39 with my son, Kai :-)

Fast forward… I feel better and I continue to explore different ways to support myself and let go of old patterns that don’t serve me.

What’s your story?