Here are select friends and people in my community who have helped and inspired me.

Therapy in Basel

  • Dr. Ulrike Heitz

    English/German Speaking

    Dr. phil. Psychologin | Fachpsychologin für Psychotherapie FSP  Eidgenössisch anerkannte Psychotherapeutin

    A particular focus of her work is her offering for women and families on the topic of birth (e.g. fears during pregnancy, traumatic birth experiences, postpartum depression, etc.).

  • MSc. Giulia Napoli

    German Speaking

    Psychotherapie für Erwachsene in jedem Lebensabschnitt. Begleitung bei Lebens- und Sinnkrisen sowie Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Arbeit mit körperorientierten und emotionsfokussierten Verfahren.

Alternative Therapies in Basel

  • Howard Austin TCM

    English/German Speaking

    Howard Austin is a New Zealander and a nationally accredited practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Howard’s supported me through my pregnancy, supported my immune system and after a burnout. His gentle voice, steadiness and thoughtful advice has always guided me.