What to eat. When to eat. How to eat.

Explore your current eating habits with curiosity.

See what foods are working for you and what foods are not with this simple reflection guide. No judgment.

Have you heard the word… Diet Culture?

Oh the world is full of people telling you what to do with your food. We are ALL majorly confused. Including myself. I have to keep reminding myself, that I AM MY OWN EXPERT on my body. I need to trust myself and explore different foods and how they feel in my own body.

What about you?

How do you decide what to eat, when to eat it and how it goes down?

Learn what works with this quick reflection guide.

Directions: You are the boss of your own body.

Please use these questions as a guide to see what resonates best for you.

1. What to eat.

  • Is variety the key?

  • Colors make a difference?

  • Textures – crispy vs. mushy?

  • Cooked and uncooked foods?

  • Dry vs. full of liquid?

2. When to eat.

  • Three times a day?

  • 6 times a day?

  • In an eating window (e.g. intermittent fasting?)


3. How to eat.

  • With or without people?

  • Chew your food well or gobble?

  • Eat in a calm and slow way or really fast?

  • Eat till comfortable in your belly?

  • Mindfully. Thankfully?

3. Where to eat.

  • At work or home?

  • In front of the computer or TV?

  • Standing up or sitting down?

  • In the car or on the go?

What came up for you during these questions?

  1. What are your experiences?

  2. What actually makes you feel well?

  3. How do you feel about outside pressure to eat certain foods?

My opinion as a Health Coach

I have learned many things from school, books, and other experts.

Funny enough most of that information or data conflict with one another.

My recommendation: Find your baseline.

Check in from time to time to see how well you feel to know if your diet and way of eating is working for you.

Key areas include:

  • Energy levels

  • Digestion (quick/slow/just right)

  • Sleep

  • Skin (clear, vibrant)

  • Hair and nails (healthy, strong)

Keeping a journal can help as well as going to the doctor regularly to get your blood panel checked. That way you have a status quo and know where you stand.

Cheers to your health!



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