Tips for regular digestion.

When digestion slows to a halt and constipation occurs, what can you do to get unstuck and get relief? Here are a few really easy tips to help get your digestion moving again.

Tips to prevent or relieve constipation. 

  1. Drink lots of water.

  2. Explore high fiber foods. 

  3. Massage belly with hands in a circular motion.

  4. Knee to chest exercises.

  5. Breathe to calm the mind and body.

  6. Be in nature.

  7. Be with loved ones :-)

Practically speaking, how to add these habits in every day and why.

  1. Drink lots of water.

The intestines need to be well hydrated to push the contents of your bowel through. If it is dry, things will get stuck. Consider that a man needs 3 litres per day and women 2.5 litres per day of liquid in the form of water, soup, stews or water containing fruit and vegetables.

Need a few tips on how to drink more water?

  • Drink 3 mugs of hot water throughout the day.

  • Make drinking an herbal tea a habit with breakfast, as a morning break and afternoon break.

  • Add a cup of soup to your evening meal.

  • Drink a glass of room temperature water upon waking (keep it next to your bed.)

2. Explore high fiber foods. 

The colon needs two types of fibre to keep things moving. One type is called and the other.

This one bulks up the stool and

How to add in a bit more fibre every day?

  • Psyllium Husk + water (Flohsamenschale) in a glass, stir and let sit a few minutes. Drink right away.

  • Chia seeds (Chiasamen) add to almond milk, cocoa and honey for a chocolate chia pudding.

  • Eat a few almonds with half and apple every day.

3. Massage belly with hands in a circular motion.

Starting at the top of your belly, move your hand to your left side, press down moving hand toward pubic bone and then across to the right side and back up again As your press on your belly, try different amounts of pressure and use sometimes a fist, sometimes a flat hand, and sometimes use just the bony parts of your fingers to massage the stomach and intestines.

You may notice slight pain or air trapped in your intestines. Notice where pain and discomfort lies. This will help you stay connected to where the trouble areas area to be able to focus on getting into a flow with your digestion.

4. Knee to chest exercises.

Lie down and bring knees to the chest. Move knees closer and away. Make circles with the knees in one direction, then the other.

5. Breathe to calm the mind and body.

It is well known that when we are in fight or flight mode, or digestion either stalls or let’s go in a big explosive way. They key to normal and regular digestion is to calm your nervous system. We do that with our breath.

Practice breathing for a few minutes consciously focusing on making the inhale and exhales the same length. Just having this focus and concentration will help to calm you and your thoughts. Try it ;-)

6. Be in nature.

Being in nature has health benefits: blood pressure drops, less stress hormones circulate, and the immune system is supported. In the forest, our senses are stimulated in many ways, which is beneficial to the brain. It is the step outside of our every day and into nature where we can hear, see, touch, and smell.

7. Be with loved ones :-)

When you are around loved ones, we are typically relaxed, we feel safe and we co-regulate. This means, that we support each other to calm down by just being in the presence of a person who is calm.


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