The last 5 kilos.

I gained 5 kilos after moving house from the city to the country.

It was difficult for me, because I am a city girl and I resisted the change. Unfortunately, I super snacked on chocolate my whole way through the acceptance process. I thought it would be easy to lose those kilos, since I am a health coach and I know exactly what to do. So, after settling in… I did all the wonderful things that I've done before to manage my weight.

But this time was different. The weight wasn't coming off.

I was getting scared and then doubt set in.

  • Am I getting old? Is my metabolism already so slow?

  • WTF... I'm going to the gym three times a week! Why isn’t the weight coming off?

  • BUT I am eating my greens and vegetables!!

  • AND I don't snack anymore or drink coca cola...

  • Do I really know what I'm doing?


Change the Strategy to Get the Results YOU Want!

Here's the 5 things I did to lose the extra weight.

1) I cried.

I went to the sauna and prayed no one was in there so that I could sob in a sweaty mess for 10 - 15 minutes three times a week. My body started to relax.

I let go.

 2) I asked for help.

I reached out to the trainer Katrin at my gym and admitted I couldn't figure it out on my own. She changed my yoga/running/pilates schedule to circuit training with weights, TRX training and one long 60 minute weight loss program on the treadmill.

I let go of being a know it all.


3) I asked for more help.

I was clearly resisting the changes in my life and was stuck. I tried to handle it on my own, but now it was time for girlfriend power to lift me up.

I spoke to my good girlfriends once a week. Even if it was to say the same thing again and again... Each time I got a release and new insights into what was happening for me.

I allowed myself to be vulnerable.


4) I got real with my food intake.

I kept a food diary, just as I ask my clients to do and measured my portion sizes. Boy oh boy was I way off! And so while I wasn't binging on chocolate or drinking lots of wine, my portions were actually 4 times as much as my body would need to maintain my weight. Surprise!

Now I'm checking in with my body (again) to see if I'm truly hungry before taking a second portion, because often... when I'm down/lost/resisting I use food as entertainment.

I let go and got honest with myself.



I'm a mom and entrepreneur. I am non-stop doing tasks and constantly on my feet. I like staying up late to watch a movie by myself or read a book... just to squeeze in a little time for myself, but this habit was jeopardizing my sleep and my energy.

New strategy: I took one day a week, where I agreed with my partner that I would do things for myself. I slept for hours at a time and read healing books. This helped me to recuperate and to digest those things that I was resisting.

I let go of trying to do it all and prioritized my well-being with energizing activities.


The Result - back in to my skinny jeans sans muffin top!

After 3 months of getting real with myself... 5+ kilos has come off.

My body is now relaxed, fit and energized.


Are you are stuck?

Take time to recenter and do a reality check. With focus and grounding, new things will happen all around you, just for YOU. 

Make it easier for yourself and get support you on your weight loss journey ;-) 

First session is free with me!


5 Apps for Mental Health


Handle the pressure of transformation at work.